Paspalakis Emmanuel

His research interests cover a wide range of theoretical and computational topics in the areas of Light-Matter Interaction, Nanophotonics, Quantum and Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Control, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics, Dynamics of Nanostructures and Quantum Computing. In his work he studies quantum theory of optical and optoelectronic properties of materials, with emphasis on nanostructured materials. His work combines detailed analytical calculations and extensive computational modelling. Many of the phenomena he has proposed and analyzed have been experimentally verified. The phenomena he studies have applications in Quantum Technology, Optoelectronics, Nanotechnology, Telecommunications, Ultra-Sensitive Sensors, Ultrafast Switches and more. Specific topics of research interest:

  • Quantum plasmonics, interaction of surface plasmons of metallic and metal-dielectric nanostructures and nanoparticles with atoms, molecules and semiconductor nanostructures.
  • Quantum control in systems for quantum computers and quantum technology. Controlled generation of superposition states, entangled states, and quantum gates in semiconductor nanostructures, superconducting nanoelectronics, magnetic structures, exciton-polariton systems, and general systems, by various quantum control methods.
  • Strong light-matter interaction phenomena in quantum systems near two-dimensional materials and their nanostructures with applications in quantum technology.
  • Quantum coherence and interference phenomena (e.g. electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light and high-efficiency non-linear optics) in atomic and molecular systems, and semiconductor quantum well and quantum dot systems with optoelectronic applications and applications in telecommunications and switches.
  • Coherent interaction of structured light (light with optical angular momentum) with matter.
  • Control of the quantum tunneling effect in molecules and semiconductor nanostructures via laser fields with emphasis on systems with applications in quantum technology.
  • Electromagnetic field propagation in coupled waveguide devices, plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials with applications in optoelectronics and telecommunications.
  • Electron transfer in coupled quantum dots and molecular bridges and wires.
  • Coherent control in dissipative quantum systems.
  • Coherent effects in photonic band gap materials.


Representative publications:

  • E. Paspalakis and P.L. Knight, 'Phase control of spontaneous emission', Physical Review Letters 81, 293-296 (1998). Το άρθρο αυτό έχει συμπεριληφθεί στα “Highly cited papers related to quantum control since 1995” στα Holy Grails της Royal Society of Chemistry
  • E. Paspalakis, N.J. Kylstra and P.L. Knight, 'Transparency induced via decay interference', Physical Review Letters 82, 2079-2082 (1999)
  • E. Paspalakis, N.J. Kylstra and P.L. Knight, 'Transparency near a photonic band edge', Physical Review A (Rapid Communication) 60, R33-R36 (1999)
  • G.B. Serapiglia, E. Paspalakis, C. Sirtori, K.L. Vodopyanov and C.C. Phillips, 'Laser-induced quantum coherence in a semiconductor quantum well', Physical Review Letters 84, 1019-1022 (2000)
  • E. Paspalakis and P.L. Knight, 'Localizing an atom via quantum interference', Physical Review A 63, 065802 (2001)
  • E. Paspalakis and P.L. Knight, 'Electromagnetically induced transparency and controlled group velocity in a multi-level system', Physical Review A 66, 015802 (2002)
  • E. Paspalakis, 'Localizing two interacting electrons in a driven quantum dot molecule', Physical Review B 67, 233306 (2003)
  • Z. Kis and E. Paspalakis, 'Arbitrary rotation and entanglement of flux SQUID qubits’, Physical Review B 69, 024510 (2004)
  • E. Paspalakis, 'Adiabatic three-waveguide directional coupler’, Optics Communications 258, 30 (2006)
  • E. Paspalakis, M. Tsaousidou and A.F. Terzis, ‘Coherent manipulation of a strongly driven semiconductor quantum well’, Physical Review B 73, 125344 (2006)
  • V. Yannopapas, E. Paspalakis and N.V. Vitanov, ‘Plasmon-induced enhancement of quantum interference near metallic nanostructures’, Physical Review Letters 103, 063602 (2009)
  • S. Evangelou, V. Yannopapas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Transparency and slow light in a four-level quantum system near a plasmonic nanostructure’, Physical Review A 86, 053811 (2012)
  • S.G. Kosionis, A.F. Terzis, S.M. Sadeghi and E. Paspalakis, ‘Optical response of a quantum dot – metal nanoparticle hybrid interacting with a weak probe field’, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 045304 (2013)
  • E. Paspalakis, S. Evangelou and A.F. Terzis, ‘Control of excitonic population inversion in a coupled semiconductor quantum dot - metal nanoparticle system’, Physical Review B 87, 235302 (2013)
  • V.D. Karanikolas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Localized exciton modes and high quantum efficiency of a quantum emitter close to a MoS2 nanodisk’, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) 96, 041404(R) (2017)
  • I. Thanopulos, V. Yannopapas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Non-Markovian dynamics in plasmon-induced spontaneous emission interference’, Physical Review B 95, 075412 (2017)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, ‘Maximizing entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions using shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control’, New Journal of Physics 20, 055009 (2018)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, “Efficient generation of the triplet Bell state between coupled spins using transitionless quantum driving and optimal control”, Physical Review A 99, 022327 (2019)
  • S.G. Kosionis and E. Paspalakis, ‘Control of self-Kerr nonlinearity in a driven coupled semiconductor quantum dot – metal nanoparticle structure’, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 7308 (2019)
  • V. Karanikolas, I. Thanopulos and E. Paspalakis, ‘Strong interaction of quantum emitters with a WS2 layer enhanced by a gold substrate’, Optics Letters 44, 2049-2052 (2019). Επιλεγμένο ως Editor’s Pick. Editor's Picks serve to highlight articles with excellent scientific quality
  • H.R. Hamedi, E. Paspalakis, G. Žlabys, G. Juzeliūnas, and J. Ruseckas, ‘Complete energy conversion between light beams carrying orbital angular momentum using coherent population trapping for a coherently driven double-Λ atom-light-coupling scheme’, Physical Review A 100, 023811 (2019); 102, 019903(E) (2020). Επιλεγμένο ως Editors’ Suggestion in Physical Review A
  • I. Thanopulos, V. Karanikolas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Non-Markovian spontaneous emission dynamics of a quantum emitter near a transition-metal dichalcogenide layer’, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 27, 6700108 (2021)
  • V. Karanikolas, I. Thanopulos, J. D. Cox, T. Kuroda, J.-i. Inoue, N. Asger Mortensen, E. Paspalakis, and C. Tserkezis ‘Quantum surface effects in strong coupling dynamics’, Physical Review B (Letter) 104, L201405 (2021)
  • I. Thanopulos, V. Karanikolas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Spontaneous emission of a quantum emitter near a graphene nanodisk under strong light-matter coupling’, Physical Review A 106, 013718 (2022)
  • N. Iliopoulos, I. Thanopulos, V. Karanikolas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Strong coupling in the entanglement dynamics of two qubits interacting with a graphene nanodisk’, Applied Physics Letters 121, 174001 (2022)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, ‘Optimal shortcuts of Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage in the presence of dissipation’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380, 20210283 (2022)
  • S.H. Asadpour, H.R. Hamedi, T. Kirova and E. Paspalakis, ‘Two-dimensional electromagnetically induced phase grating via composite vortex light’, Physical Review A 105, 043709 (2022)
  • S.G. Kosionis and E. Paspalakis, ‘Pump-probe response, four-wave mixing and self-Kerr effect in a suspended monolayer Z-shaped graphene nanoribbon nanoresonator’, Carbon Trends 10, 100249 (2023)
  • N. Domenikou, I. Thanopulos, V. Karanikolas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Highly efficient coherent energy transfer in molecules near a MoS2 nanodisk’, Physical Review Applied 20, 034022 (2023)
  • S.G. Kosionis, V. Yannopapas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Two-time intensity correlation in a driven V-type quantum emitter near a plasmonic nanostructure’, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 29, 6700108 (2023)
  • I. Thanopulos, V. Yannopapas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Strong coupling dynamics of a quantum emitter near a topological insulator nanoparticle’, Nanomaterials 13, 2787 (2023). Επιλεγμένο ως Editor’s choice
  • I. Thanopulos, V. Karanikolas and E. Paspalakis, ‘Strong coupling spontaneous emission interference near a graphene nanodisk’, Nanophotonics, in press, (2024).


Detailed CV


Contact Details

(+30) 2610 996318

paspalak (AT) upatras {DOT} gr