Stefanatos Dionisis

His research activities focus on the theory and simulations of quantum control in order to quickly and efficiently control quantum states in systems and materials of quantum technology.

Representative recent publications:

  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "A shortcut tour of quantum control methods for modern quantum technologies", invited perspective to appear in Europhysics Letters (2021)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "Rapid biexciton-state preparation in a quantum dot using on-off pulse sequences", Physical Review A 102, 052618 (2020)
  • D. Stefanatos, A. Smponias, H. R. Hamedi, and E. Paspalakis, "Ultimate conversion efficiency bound for the forward double-Λ atom-light coupling scheme", Optics Letters 45, 6090 (2020)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "Dynamical blockade in a bosonic Josephson junction using optimal coupling", Physical Review A 102, 013716 (2020)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "Resonant shortcuts for adiabatic rapid passage with only z-field control", Physical Review A 100, 012111 (2019)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "Efficient generation of the triplet Bell state between coupled spins using transitionless quantum driving and optimal control", Physical Review A 99, 022327 (2019)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "Efficient entanglement generation between exciton-polaritons using shortcuts to adiabaticity", Optics Letters 43, 3313 (2018)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "Boosting entanglement between exciton-polaritons with on-off switching of Josephson coupling", Physical Review B 98, 035303 (2018)
  • D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis, "Maximizing entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions using shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control", New Journal of Physics 20, 055009 (2018)
  • D. Stefanatos, "An exponential bound in the quest for absolute zero", Physical Review E 96, 042103 (2017)


Contact Details

(+30) 2610 996347

dstefanatos (AT) upatras {DOT} gr